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Sunrise Birding LLC - Birding and Wildlife ToursColombia Mitú
April 21 - May 2, 2022

Trip Report (pdf)>       eBird Report & Species List (pdf)>

This tour was a great success in several aspects, and we recorded 323 species including a few Colombian endemics (in the Andes) and a load of the regional Negro/Orinoco rivers white-sand forests goodies. Our top birds of the trip as voted by all participants were the following jewels:
Fiery Topaz
Chestnut-crested Antbird
Guianan Cock-of-the-rock
Sparkling Violetear
Bar-bellied Woodcreeper t
Green-bearded Helmetcrest
White-capped Dipper
Spangled Cotinga
Burrowing Owl
White-plumed Antbird
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin
Great Sapphirewing
Beryl-spangled Tanager
Red-necked Woodpecker
Blue-capped Tanagers
Kawall’s Parrots

Scroll down for photo highlights!

Fiery Topaz by Geroges Kleinbaum.
Fiery Topaz by Georges Kleinbaum.

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Miguel scanning from the platform. Photo © Diego Calderon.
Miguel scanning from the platform. Photo © Diego Calderon.

Amazon Streaked Antwren. Photo © Geroges Kleinbaum.
Amazon Streaked Antwren. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

Bar-bellied Woodcreeper. Photo © Geroges Kleinbaum.
Bar-bellied Woodcreeper. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

Pueblo Nuevo Creek © Diego Calderon.
Pueblo Nuevo Creek © Diego Calderon.

Fiery Topaz. Photo © Geroges Kleinbaum.
Fiery Topaz. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

Great Jacamar. Photo © Geroges Kleinbaum.
Great Jacamar. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

Red-bellied Macaw. Photo © Geroges Kleinbaum.
Red-bellied Macaw. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

White-plumed Antbird. Photo © Geroges Kleinbaum.
White-plumed Antbird. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

White sand forest trail. Photo © Diego Calderon.
White sand forest trail. Photo © Diego Calderon.

Yellow-crowned Manakin by Georges Kleinbaum.
Yellow-crowned Manakin. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

Citron-bellied Attila by Georges Kleinbaum.
Citron-bellied Attila. Photo © Georges Kleinbaum.

Sumipaz selfie by Diego Calderon
Sumipaz selfie by Diego Calderon